Five Finger - Pseudopanax Arboreus


Handsome, small, round-headed tree with smooth, dark five-fingered green leaflets. Conspicuous purple-black fruit from February-March is attractive to birds and bees. Tolerates wind however does best under a shady canopy. Evergreen. Hardy.

Growth Rate: Medium

Height after 5 years: 3m

Height when mature: 6m

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Handsome, small, round-headed tree with smooth, dark five-fingered green leaflets. Conspicuous purple-black fruit from February-March is attractive to birds and bees. Tolerates wind however does best under a shady canopy. Evergreen. Hardy.

Growth Rate: Medium

Height after 5 years: 3m

Height when mature: 6m

Handsome, small, round-headed tree with smooth, dark five-fingered green leaflets. Conspicuous purple-black fruit from February-March is attractive to birds and bees. Tolerates wind however does best under a shady canopy. Evergreen. Hardy.

Growth Rate: Medium

Height after 5 years: 3m

Height when mature: 6m